Expanding Distribution
Many years ago, when I first published Black Pawn, ebooks were gaining momentum. But for a first-time, independent author, publishing it felt like a daunting task. Amazon made it super easy. Which was good, and bad. Good because now you could publish your work without being at the mercy of a publishing company and you could do it for FREE! (It was a no-brainer.) Bad because literally anyone could publish anything. With that said, Amazon had some great tools and help for indie authors and I was grateful for the help and initially sold many of my books on Amazon. Black Pawn and Forced Move both spent 4 weeks in the top 100 spy thrillers on Amazon, even making it to the top 10! I couldn't have been happier.
Over the years though, sales dwindled. Mostly my fault. I'm terrible at self-promotion and hate it with a passion. (This blog is an attempt to correct that failing.) At any rate, I think the market has changed and so I've decided to break away from exclusively publishing with Amazon and distribute to other outlets. (Long overdue, I'm sure.) I've already published Identity on multiple platforms like Amazon, Apple, Google, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Scribd, etc. The Michael Cailen thrillers will follow after June 1, 2020. I hope with these steps I can increase my audience and get more traction to at least get a steady flow of sales. But even if it doesn't, my greatest joy comes from writing and I'm happy that some, albeit only a few right now, enjoy my work.
I'll update links on my "Books By Mel" page when they're up and running. To all my fans, thanks for the support!
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